What Santa’s Strike is Used For

It works quite similar to the Lightning Spell and its primary use-case is to spread a Christmas mood in the game and bring fun and joy. Don’t get me wrong here, but this is a seasonal spell that is more of entertaining use than strategic and it would be a little bit weird if this spell would be overpowered, but I will come to this later.
Basically, Santa’s strike works like this:
  • When dropped Santa will drop a few presents that will explode and deal damage to ground troops and buildings
  • The place is quite random, similar to the Lightning Spell (if you ignore the strike pattern of the Lightning Spell
  • When the defender comes back to his village, he will see presents where the Santa’s Strike has dealt damage and can pick them up like tombstones and get 5,000 Elixir from each one

I would like to now show you the important differences to the Lightning Spell. When looking at the pure stats, the Santa’s Strike looks a lot more powerful than the Lightning Spell:

No worries, I don’t want you to now compare the figures 🙂 I have here the important ones for you:
  • Santa’s Strike deals more damage IN TOTAL
  • Lightning Spell is more precise because of the smaller range, Santa’s Strike tends to be more random
You might now think that this is not that big of a deal, double the damage will always overcome the randomness? I will show you something that will make you think again about it.
In general, I think the only strategic reason to use the Santa’s Strike instead of the Lightning Spell would be if I can destroy a defense with fewer spells than using a Lightning Spell, right? A strategy doesn’t rely on randomness, but when dropping 2 Santa’s Strike in an Air Defense Level 8 (1170 HP versus my 2 Santa’s Strike with 1528 damage at my Town Hall 9 mini account), the Air Defense survived in like 80% of all cases!

I can go on giving you examples and bottom line there’s only one thing I can recommend you for using the Santa’s Strike.
If you’re so much into Christmas and want to spread some mood and use it in Friendly Battles or Multiplayer Attacks, you can’t do that much wrong – however, do not use it in attacks where you rely on every percentage point (e.g. pushing in high trophy range or War attacks!)

Bottom line it’s still a fun thing we have here and it’s a game that’s not supposed to always be player extremely serious 🙂
What are your thoughts and tips on the Santa’s Strike? Please share in the comments below.

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