How to get CoC Gems worldwide

How to get CoC Gems worldwide

I’m sure that any Clash of Clans player sooner or later got to the point to search the internet for a way to get free Gems without spending money. The problem is there are many fake services out there that will either scam you, get you on malicious email lists that will spam your or even endanger your Clash of Clans account to get banned.

Nobody wants that!

The good news! There is a way that will let you earn free Gem.

You don’t need a Credit Card or a PayPal account

No matter in which country you live (USA, Europe, India, Indonesia, etc.) – this works for everyone

No email address or any other personal data needed

100% Working and compliant with Clash of Clans – no need to fear a ban

Here are the ways I personally use for years and earned more than 200,000 Gems with

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Look here, that’s what I just made in the past 30 days (these are the actual screenshot of my accounts):

*of course this would also work for Google Play Gift Cards, but I use iTunes

In total, that’s more than $200 worth of gift cards that I used to buy 28,000 Gems with – without spending one single dollar of my own in just one month!

Are you ready? I will now show you step-by-step how it works. This whole thing works smooth – I will show you some apps that you need to install (which are free and you can delete them after a couple of minutes again) and you will earn credits for that.

Before you start! (Important!)

The first step before you can start earning free Gems from any country in the world is to sign up for the right tools.

Please make sure to download 1 app at each of them before you continue with this guide. If you’re already signed up at one of them, simply skip the step and get the other ones.

Step 1: Get AppBounty (HERE)

I’m using AppBounty since 2014 myself and got a lot of giftcards from it (as you have seen above). Simply check back daily for new offers and often they also give away points every day or give you a booster with 15% extra points.

You don’t need anything to sign up (no email or anything else) – simply CLICK HERE to get AppBounty and download at least 1 app.

Step 2: Get FreeMyApps (HERE)

If you’re using Android, this is probably your best choice to get. Bottom line I recommend using all of them because often some of them offer free apps to gain points that the others don’t.

Attention! Don’t be confused that you only see USD giftcards there, I will explain below how you can use them, no matter in what country you’re living 🙂

CLICK HERE to get FreeMyApps (and also get 200 extra points after you downloaded your first app!)

Step 3: Get CashForApps (HERE)

The 3rd and last tool I recommend is CashForApps. They are able to offer you a lot of free apps you can use to gain points, they also offer the $5 giftcards that are easier to get.

CLICK HERE to get CashForApps.


If you got set up with all 3 of them, you’re ready to continue. I really recommend you to use AppBountyFreeMyApps and CashForApps at the same time! Often times you will see a offer getting more points on one of them or also offers that you don’t see on the other ones.

I spend like 10 minutes a day doing all of them and get 3-4 giftcards per week easily.

Don’t forget to install at least 1 app after you signed up at AppBounty, FreeMyApps and CashForApps!

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Now that you have done this, you can continue earning points & coins with these apps.

The reason I recommend using all of them is that each of them has app offers that the others don’t offer plus sometimes the same app rewards a higher value on one of these three services.

If you have earned enough points & credits, you can turn them into a real Gift Card for iTunes or Google Play and then buy your gems with it – like I did with the ones I’ve shown you in the screenshot above.

You see, this is why they are legal and working, you’re actually buying the gems from the shop but without spending YOUR real money on it.

This will keep your account save and you don’t need to be afraid of any bans.

ATTENTION! Here’s how you can earn 2x, 3x or even 10x as many points to get free Gems

Earn Even More Free Gems

Depending on the country you’re living in, it may take more or less time until you found enough offers in AppBounty, FreeMyApps or CashForApps to get a gift card.

Unfortunately, you can only use each of them once on your device and many people got back at me lately asking me if there’s a way to earn more – so I was researching myself and found a great way to earn double, triple or even ten times as many gift cards there!

All you need to do is having access to a Computer (Windows or MacOS)

There you can use a tool called Andyroid, a simulator for Android on PC & Mac that allows you to get multiple accounts at the same time, so instead of unlocking one gift card you can unlock two, three or even ten gift cards at the same time 🙂

I will now show you how simple it works in 3 steps. You should do this on your PC or Mac (in case you’re viewing this page on your tablet or smartphone right now), please enter your email address here and I will send you the guide via email so you can open it on your computer

Step 1: Download Andyroid on your PC or Mac

As mentioned before, please download Andyroid on your PC or Mac – you can download it here for Windows and here for MacOS.

Step 2: Start Andyroid and create a NEW Google account

When you start Andyroid, you will now use different Google Accounts, this is the number of times where you can unlock gift cards at the same time.

Once done, you can get AppBounty, FreeMyApps and CashForApps set up there. Use the app store or the browser WITHIN Andyroid:

Here are the links so you don’t need to search for a long time:




Fine, now you can just use them as you do on your smartphone or tablet, but you will see the same offers there as well and with almost the same time effort you can get two $10 Gift Cards instead of just one (or even 10 Gift Cards if you create multiple accounts within Andyroid)

You don’t need money or a Credit Card to do that.

Attention! Don’t stop reading here because your country doesn’t offer gift cards for iTunes or Google Play! I will show you below how you can still use them!

Free Gems With Gift Cards from ANY Country in the world!

I know many of you come from countries like India, Indonesia or many other countries that aren’t specifically listed there.

That’s because Google and Apple don’t offer Gift Cards in your currency, but that’s no problem!

Neither Google nor Apple cares at all where you’re located and I will show you in this article how you can easily use these Giftcards without any problems. All you need to do is:

Change the currency of your Google Wallet (if you play on Android)

Change your location of your AppleID (if you play on iOS)

The trick behind this is that you can start redeeming USD giftcards and buy gems with it and after that you can easily switch back.

Don’t be afraid you won’t lose your account! All you do is setting up a new address and this won’t change ANYTHING on your device or in your apps! You also don’t need to spend the gems right away – they will remain in your Clash of Clans account no matter where you change your address to!

I will now show you how this works on Google Play first and below on Apple devices.

Attention! I highly recommend using USD because there are no currency swings in USD.

Also set your location to some address in California!

Some states charge an extra tax and you don’t want to waste any of your gift card! California doesn’t charge taxes for in-App purchases!

How to use Google Play Store Gift Cards all over the world

Here’s how it works – let’s say I buy a gift card in Australia in Australian Dollar and go back home to Germany I can’t redeem it because my currency is Euro.

Now there is something I can do to use it: I just change my Google Wallets Home address to somewhere in Australia and then I have the currency Australian Dollar active for the Play Store, no matter on which place on the world I’m currently staying.

Now I can redeem the gift card code from Australia and buy myself some gems with it and afterward, I can switch the Home Address back.

Step 1: Change Google Wallet Home Address:

Here’s the article from Google about changing the address (see here the Original Page from Google):

Just enter a valid address and save it.

You can find that out by simply using Google Maps to get a valid address somewhere in the US

Step 2: Redeem the gift card code

After you switched the Home Location you will now go into Clash of Clans and you will see that if you go on “Buy Gems” you will see them in the currency of your home address (which will be US Dollar if you have chosen some address within the United States).

Step 3: Buy the free gems

You have redeemed the gift card so you have the balance on your Account so nothing can hold you back from buying those Gems now. You can now directly spend them or save them

Step 4: Change back the Google Wallet Home Address

After you have the Gems on your account you can switch back the address. Sometimes it takes some time until the gems are placed in your account so I recommend you to wait until you have them before you switch back. I don’t know if it would also work if they haven’t been placed in your account and I don’t want to find out – keep it save.

I hope this helps you out in case you don’t own a credit card or you live within a country without Google Play Gift Cards in your home currency.

How to use iTunes Gift Cards all over the world

Pretty much the same as Google Play – to switch to the US store you have to go to the AppStore App and then “View AppleID”. There you can change your home address to USA (and enter a state of your choice)

I recommend you to use California, because they don’t have taxes on digital purchases, which means you can actually buy 1200 gems for 9.99 USD without some taxes being added.

Mind that you have to get your balance to 0 – if you have a very small amount on it spend it or write the Apple Support to remove it from your account. From now on you can use US-Dollar giftcards. Switching back works the exact same way.

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