TH9 War Base & Trophy Farming Base Layouts

Anti 3-Star TH9 War Base Layout

The first Town Hall 9 War Base Layout I’d like to show you is a solid war base which protects the Town Hall very well with the Archer Queen and the Hidden Tesla Power around it. I recommend using a Dragon within the Clan Castle and many opponents go full forces into the Town Hall and see their troops falling faster than expected due to all the defensive power around the Town Hall.

You can click on the image or here to download it and you can also watch several defensive replays against this base here.

Anti Air TH9 War Base

The second TH9 War Base Layout is a great base to defend against air attacks – the Air Defenses are deep enough into the base to prevent that they get taken down by a suicide attack, Queen Walk or Hog attempt. The X-Bows are deep enough inside the base to not get taken down early in the attack – that makes it very hard to attack this base.

You can click on the image or here to download it and you can also watch several defensive replays against this base here.

Here are also some more Clan War Base Layouts, in case you want some more hardcore bases


Anti 3 Star Base Layouts For Clan War

Town Hall 9 Trophy & Farming Base Layouts With Bomb Tower

You always have to choose what you want to protect in your farming base, so I selected some different layouts. Two of them for protecting all your resources with the same priority and a farming base with very strong Dark Elixir protection.

You always have to spread your Storages equally around the base to make it hard for attackers to focus on a certain resource.

TH9 Dark Elixir Farming Base

This first TH9 Farming Base Layout is all about protecting your Dark Elixir, something you will need at Town Hall 9 to upgrade your Heroes. If you think that this base will also make you lose tons of trophies I can promise you that many attackers will take the “easy” route from the right side and fail often enough because the DPS output in the middle section is a lot higher than expected with the Teslas around the DE Storage.

You can click on the image or here to download it and you can also watch several defensive replays against this base here.

Gold and Dark Elixir Protection TH9 Farming Base

This first Town Hall 9 Farming Base features a big surprise for attackers – you might think that the Dark Elixir Storage is easy to get but a lot of attackers will fail to get it even when attacking from the bottom with all forces available (see the replays I linked you below the picture of the base).

You can click on the image or here to download it and you can also watch several defensive replays against this base here.

Troops will always tend to go to the sides instead deeper into the core area and that’s the key feature of this base design.

Hardcore Dark Elixir protecting TH9 Farming Base

If you’re in urgent need of Dark Elixir and want to protect your Dark Elixir in the best possible way you might want to try this third TH9 Farming Base.

You can click on the image or here to download it and you can also watch several defensive replays against this base here.

As you can see all priorities are here on protecting the Dark Elixir Storage in the core with all possible options and the dead zone ring around it – I wouldn’t recommend you using this when you’re not primarily farming Dark Elixir because the other storages are pretty easy to reach…

TH9 Trophy Pushing Base (with DE Protection)

This base works great against air attacks because it’s very hard to get anything near the Town Hall when all troops just walk around the core area, but also Witches and Queen Walks have a bad time against this base 🙂


You can click on the image or here to download it and you can also watch several defensive replays against this base here.

Anti Lava Hound Trophy Pushing Base Town Hall 9

This is also a great base to defend against Lava Hound attacks – the Town Hall is well protected and not directly next to defenses so there’s no way that any splash damage of Balloons will hit and destroy the Town Hall and it’s simply too deep into the core that Minions & Pups will go for it without getting in range of other defenses (see the replays!)

You can click on the image or here to download it and you can also watch several defensive replays against this base here.


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