Update (18/12) - December 2017 Update is here!
Update (18/12) - December 2017 Update is here!
The Clan Games are here!

Welcome to the Winter 2017 content update. With the start of the Clan Games and the introduction of Magic Items, we have created something that will not only change how Clan members coordinate their cooperative interactions but will also change strategies on how the game is played.
Here are the full patch notes for this release.
Magic Items
Magic Items are a brand new type of single-use item that provides massive bonuses to your village. While the Magic Items system will grow as we introduce more of them with greater functionality, the initial range of Magic Items will be already incredibly beneficial to players.
So what ARE Magic Items??

Magic Items provide benefits to your buildings, your troops, your heroes, spells, and anything else in-game. The functionality of a specific Magic Item entirely depends on the kind of Magic Item earned. There are Magic Items for every unit in-game. Some Magic Items will provide boosts to production, some provide boosts to resource collectors, and some will instantly complete an upgrade in progress.
For example, if you just paid the Dark Elixir upgrade cost to level your Archer Queen, one of the biggest downsides is not having your Archer Queen available for the duration of the upgrade if you’re engaged in a Clan War. If you have a Magic Item that completes the Archer Queen’s upgrade, you can instantly finish the upgrade and not have to wait the duration usually required.
Other types of Magic Items that boosts troop production will speed up how quickly the troops are trained or how quickly spells are produced and will get you ready to attack much quicker. If you have a Magic Item you don’t need, then you have the option to cash in that Magic Item for Gems. But as we continue to introduce new content, selling that Magic Item might not be so beneficial as you never know when it might come in handy in the future!
And this is just the tip of the iceberg of the kinds of Magic Items we’re introducing to Clash of Clans. However, just be aware Magic Items are incredibly rare due to their potency and will be rewarded sparingly.
So how do we actually get Magic Items? Introducing the Clan Games!

Clan Games – The “Q” Factor
The Clan Games are a new type of event you and your Clan can participate in. When you see the Strongman’s Caravan set up in your village, you’ll know the Clan Games have begun. When you click on the Caravan, you’ll be introduced to a bevy of Clan quests (yes, that’s the “Q” word), or as we’re calling them, “Challenges”.

These Challenges will range from using certain troops to destroying buildings to accomplishing specific goals. Some of the Challenges will be Builder Base-specific and some will be Main Village ones. But you will have the ability to pick and choose which Challenges you want to tackle. Therefore, if you have someone in your Clan who specializes in Builder Base attacks, then perhaps that Clanmate might be better suited for picking that Challenge. If there is a Challenge that requires you to destroy a number of Eagle Artillery, then allowing a Town Hall 7 player to pick that Challenge might not be the most effective choice.
Everyone in your Clan sees the same list of Challenges you see, so it will require coordination with your Clan to maximize the amount of points you can win. All of the Challenges have an accompanying point value when they’re accomplished and need to be completed within a certain prescribed amount of time that will be listed on the Challenge. Completed Challenges contribute to a pool of points earned by everyone in your Clan. Therefore, the more Challenges you and your Clanmates complete, the larger the pool of total points earned. Earning more points will unlock higher tiers of rewards, including, as you may have guessed: Magic Items. Other rewards include resources and Gems.
You will need to work with your Clan to efficiently earn the different tiered rewards. Every Clan Game will have a set duration before it completes. We plan on having longer, more challenging Games with greater tiered rewards as well as shorter duration Games with lesser rewards.
During the holidays, we will have our inaugural run of the Clan Games which will last a couple days. This will be followed by a longer duration Clan Game so you’ll be able to experience the full breadth of what the Games have to offer. We plan on running the Clan Games with regular frequency and will notify you when the Clan Games are about to start again.
Merry Clashmas!
As part of our tradition during the Christmas season, we are continuing our winter fun by releasing temporary units, seasonally themed content, art, and yes…a new in-game tree. We don’t want to ruin the surprise with what troops will be coming, as Santa doesn’t like it when you peek under the wrapping paper. We will be introducing the Clashmas content over the course of the holidays so keep an eye out in-game for what’s being introduced.